Alright, it's Wednesday guys. Here's a list of what I'm picking up, what might get left behind, and what I don't even want to look at:
Picking Up:
Gotham City Sirens #12
With the exception of one or two issues (i.e. the ones where Dini took a break from writing), this has been a solid book for me. This book reminds me of when I was in love with these ladies as a kid. Anyway, this issue supposedly follows Ivy's (probably horrible) decision to get a real life job. Pretty good character stuff, honestly. It breaks Ivy away from constantly being that slutty-evil-plant-lady. And no one likes flat characters (and Guillem March does not draw flat characters either. :|)
Green Lantern #54
This one looks like it follows Larfleeze and the Red Lanterns... and if you've been reading anything Lantern-y? You probably know those two are the most ridiculous of the "new" Lanterns and for me? The most fun to read. And Geoff Johns writes a hilarious Larfleeze. And you know? On occasion? I can deal without the angst and a few jokes in my comics.
Justice League Generation Lost #2 **PICK OF THE WEEK***
GUYS. If you did not read the first issue, freaking go do so. And then read the Justice League International volumes. This is great stuff and for me, the most interesting of the Brightest Day banner books. Maxwell Lord is just such a damn powerful/intriguing villain and the JLI members are some of the most entertaining reads. :D
Power Girl #12
Another just plain fun read. Also the last issue for the Palmiotti/Gray/Conner team. This book does a great job of showing that balance between superhero life and normal life... which is something I like to see. Plus, Amanda Conner's art is wonderful and she draws some of the best facial expressions I've ever seen. Ever.
What's getting left behind
Batman the Return of Bruce Wayne #2
Pilgrim Batman! Look guys, I know everyone is reading this book and it's the BIG THING right now? But I'm on a budget. And the first issue didn't really grab me. I'm sure I'll end up borrowing this or reading it later... but I'd rather spend my four bucks on Generation Lost. Or Taco Bell.
Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal
Aka LOOK HOW MUCH SHIT WE CAN THROW AT ROY HARPER. Not a fan of books written for shock value, and that's what this series has been doing. I really haven't been getting much out of it. Sorry.
Teen Titans #83
I used to read this series. I did. But then they got rid of every character I cared about on the team. ...Although this issue is supposed to bring back Superboy (*swoon*) and Kid Flash? I'm still not buying it. This book has ALSO been a shit storm of LET'S SEE HOW MUCH WE CAN TORTURE THESE CHARACTERS. And I know torturing characters is good for writing, but seriously... Other stuff goes in there, too.
((*note* I just started getting into Marvel, so I'll just talk about what I'm getting... since I'm not jaded enough to totally quit a series yet. ;D Also, everything I'm getting this week is first issue, so there's not much to base anything on. OH WELL. Maybe next week, Marvel guys.))
Dazzler #1
Love Dazzler, so naturally I'm excited for this. I'm just sad that it's apparently a one-shot.
Secret Avengers #1
This pretty much LOOKS like it's going to be awesome in a nice little package lead by Steve Rogers. That sounds like it couldn't go wrong, really. I also really like the idea of having the BIG FLASHY AVENGERS TEAM and then some secret ops. ♥
X-men Origins: Emma Frost
Okay yeah. Emma Frost is a bitch, sure. She's hated, yeah. But I find her interesting, so I'm picking this up.
And there's nothing from Image or Zuda this week (as I'm still trying to save money). Where do your opinions differ (as I'm sure they do)? Anything I'm missing out on? You know you want to help a lady out.
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