a few notes about bat romance.

10:35 PM / Comments (0) / by frozenfoxfire

1. We greatly enjoy this song a great deal. I stumbled upon it one day and began to spam Shells with it, which lead to the rise of the Kirkroll on Twitter. Just so you know. XD

2. We will sometimes be putting up rants/reviews/articles/whathaveyou from guests. If you'd like to be a guest, feel free to send us a note somewhere. We'd love to hear what you have to say.

3. Tomorrow I'll be acquiring Alan Wake, and I must say, I am SO excited about playing it. It looks like Silent Hill + Twin Peaks, and to me, that = awesome. I'm trading in Dante's Inferno for it - thank god. That game was an atrocity. Don't. EVER. Buy that game.

Tomorrow Shells'll be kicking off our blog with a weekly feature! Stay tuned.

Until then, see you all on the flipside.