the obligatory e3 post.

12:26 AM / Comments (0) / by frozenfoxfire

Whew, been a while. Thanks to my buddy burts here for kicking me in the ass.

First off, FUCK YOU, NINTENDO. The 3DS? Really? REALLY!? How many DSs are you going to throw around until you fucking decide on something and actually do it?! Also, how many different kinds are you going to demand I buy just to get their specialized games? You assholes need punched. What happened to the days of the GBA - hell, even the GBC? Where there was ONE form of game cartridge, where it only came in different colours or models, where the newest thing was a fucking backlight!?

I want to come to see you, Nintendo, and I want to kick you all in the balls.

Moving on.

First, I just want to say, the new Marvel VS Capcom looks FUCKING AMAZING.

I'm a huge DP fan and a huge Chris Redfield fan, and the idea of playing both of them on the same team is enough to make my head explode with JOY.

Second, Portal 2. See caps lock for MVSC.

Here's the new trailer. Below is some gameplay stuffs.

Watching it totally took my breath away.

Also, the new Xbox Elite looks fucking BOSS. However, Kinect... Okay, I'm not going to say I'm not excited for the ideas behind it, and for the implications it could bring should it become the Jesus of movement-based gameplay, but when it comes to video games, I don't want to jump up and down all the time. I play because I like relaxing. I play it to clear my mind. I like having a controller in my hands. If it can make it seem like I have a lightsaber, fuck yes I'll destroy things with said lightsaber. However, the idea of it becoming an all-encompassing gaming tool that countless games are developed for? Not so hot on it.

Don't be Nintendo, Microsoft. Make a cool toy, but don't make it mandatory to playing. I'd hate to defect to the freakin PS3.