as if to answer my hatred with vitriol...

1:23 PM / Comments (0) / by frozenfoxfire

Nintendo pulled the dickiest of dick moves.

I know most of you don't know my epic love for Chris Redfield, so let me proclaim it: he is the reason I enjoyed Resident Evil 5 so thoroughly. He's on my top 20 list of coolest characters around. He's one hell of a badass, no matter how dippy he is from time to time.

I adored RE5. Yeah, the writing sucks. Yeah, the controls could be better. But I fucking loved that game. It's fun to play, it's campy as all hell and once I got used to the controls, I promptly began kicking so much ass that I just couldn't put it down.

Not only do I love Chris, but I love his VA, Roger Craig Smith - an aside: I'm kind of a voice acting geek -, who was Chris, obvs, and Ezio Auditore. So, the announcement that Chris, voiced by Roger, is going to be in a game? Usually send me into fits of girlish joy.

... And now, there's Resident Evil: Revelations, slated for the 3DS.

I am full of rage. Twenty bucks says it'll be strictly 3DS-only.

Fuck you, Nintendo. Just... Fuck you.