Happy Comic... Thursday.

5:26 PM / Comments (0) / by Shells

Memorial Day pushed comics back a day, making Thursday comic book day. So... Here's what I'll be picking up tomorrow (or not).

Picking Up
Red Hood: Lost Days #1

Seriously guys. If you know me, which I know some of you do, you should've seen this coming. Jason Todd is getting his own mini-series. And it's written by Winick... who created the modern Jason to begin with. AND it's in the past, so it's none of this new retcon red hair (that he died when he was dead, apparently) weird stuff. Yes. Please.

Brightest Day #3
This has been a liiiittle less stellar than expected, but issue 2 was better than issue 1, so I'm hoping that trend follows. Plus, I really want to stay on the up and up in the DCU... and it seems like you have to read this to do that.

Red Robin #13
I love, love, love Fabian Nicieza and I'm soooo excited to have him on this book. Plus, Yost left RR in a good place and made him not so broody. Which is good. We get enough of that otherwise.

iZombie #2 (Vertigo)
Omg, this title is amazing. I was really worried it'd be your general, lame "MMM BRAINS" book... but it's more like... these are interesting characters who just HAPPEN to be zombies/ghosts/werewolves.

....And everything else I'm just not interested in. No specific WTF I'm not reading that or I give up this things for DC this week.

Picking up:
Avengers Prime #1
This is really out of sheer curiosity. And because I'm totes interested in this new Steve Rogers direction.

Hawkeye and Mockingbird #1

This is more me trying to learn more about Marvel characters.... so I jump at a lot of #1 issues.

Getting Left Behind
X-Campus #1
What. This sounds like X-men Evolution. Which I didn't enjoy at all. Cyclops is already whiny, I don't need a teenage version of him.